Community of the Cross Lutheran Church

About Us

Welcome to Community of the Cross Lutheran Church!

Mission statement:

"Touching Lives with the Love of God."

We pursue this mission in 3 specific directions:

  • Nurture the community within our congregation
  • Encourage the communities within our neighborhood
  • Transform the various communities where our members live and work with the love of God

Who we are:

Community of the Cross Lutheran Church is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Our church was founded in 1972 and is located in Bloomington, MN.

The members of Community of the Cross extend a warm welcome to everyone and invite you to make us your church home. We preach and proclaim the teachings and Gospels of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Community of the Cross Lutheran Church

10701 Bloomington Ferry Road - Bloomington, MN 55438
Phone: 952-941-1247

© 2020 Community of the Cross Lutheran Church