Community of the Cross Lutheran Church

Our Worship Schedule


8:45 a.m. Traditional Worship with Holy Communion  
This service is traditional at its core with traditional hymns, Gospel-centered preaching, and Holy Communion.

10:45 a.m. Contemporary Worship with Holy Communion

We celebrate God’s good news in this contemporary worship experience each Sunday with music provided by our worship band, 3 Year Journey.  The service provides a casual worship experience filled with a spirit of freedom, flexibility and joy. If worship has not been a regular part of your life, this may be a new connecting point and a great opportunity to make worship part of your weekly routine.  


9:30 a.m. Unity Worship
Our Summer worship services will include music from our traditional musicians, as well as music from our contemporary musicians, including our worship band, 3YJ. Each Sunday will look/feel/sound slightly different from the one before it, and will give us all opportunities to experience different types of music and worship.   Communion will be served each week, excluding holiday weekends.

Additional Information

For special service times such as holidays, please see our home page.

We welcome and encourage all people to worship as they are able and try to make accommodations as needed. We have hearing assistant devices and screens projecting the music and key points of the sermon, prayers and liturgy. All are welcome to fully participate in worship; you don’t have to be a member and you don’t have to be Lutheran. Children are always welcome in worship and families can use our nursery as needed.

Community of the Cross Lutheran Church

10701 Bloomington Ferry Road - Bloomington, MN 55438
Phone: 952-941-1247

© 2020 Community of the Cross Lutheran Church