Community of the Cross Lutheran Church


From weekly events to annual highlights, there are always opportunities to bring faith, fun and fellowship together!
Please see the calendar for the full schedule or preview the Children and Youth "Save the Dates" for 2024-2025.

•Fellowship Hour - Sundays, 9:45am - 10:40am - Grab coffee and a donut while you chat between services or try out the Adult Forum.
•Men's Coffee Fellowship - Tuesdays, 9:00am-10:00am - Join the men of the congregation in the Fellowship Hall Meeting Room for coffee and
 discussion on the important topics of the day.
•Faithfully Fit Forever - Tuesdays, 9:00am - 10:00am - This could also be called "Walking with wonderful women"!  Please contact Lois Larson at for more information.
•Women's Bible Study - Tuesdays, 10:15am - 11:30am - Join the women of the congregation  in the Fellowship Hall Meeting Room for Bible 
  Study and a lot of laughter!

•F3 "Friday Family Fun Night" - Families with kids aged 3 years through 5th grade are invited to join us for food, games and activities once a 
 month, October through April.  Friends are always welcome!  Please see our home page or calendar for dates.
•Women's Monday Night Book Club - Meets on the third Monday of each month in member's homes at 5:00pm.
•Women's Friday Night Book Club - Meets on the third Friday of each month in member's homes 6:30pm.
     Click HERE for a list of the books that will be used by both book clubs in 2025.
•Men's Monday Night Fellowship - Meets on the third Monday of each month at a local restaurant at 6:00pm. 

•Rally Sunday - First Sunday after Labor Day -  Our whole congregation comes together to celebrate the return to fall programming with
 food, games and more!   Sunday, September 8th, 2024, following 9:30am worship.
•Trunk or Treat - Late October -  Join us as we enjoy Halloween traditions in a safe and fun environment.  Trick or Treating in the parking lot,
  games, hot dogs and more!  Friday, October 25th, 2024 
•Lenten Dinners -
Wednesday nights, Ash Wednesday through Palm Sunday, 5:15pm - 6:15pm.  Enjoy soup, sandwiches, and tasty desserts
 before heading to Lenten Worship.

Other Opportunities
•Youth Game Nights - Kids in 6th-12th grade get together for pizza, dodge ball, nine square and other games either at church or offsite.   Friends are always welcome!  Please see our home page or calendar for dates.
•Service projects - Be part of the team that packs weekend meals for school-aged kids through Every Meal, join us to help at VEAP, or 
 participate in our ongoing drive for Oasis for Youth.  Watch your email for the latest opportunities!  

Community of the Cross Lutheran Church

10701 Bloomington Ferry Road - Bloomington, MN 55438
Phone: 952-941-1247

© 2020 Community of the Cross Lutheran Church