CCLC supports four core service partners in our community. Children are engaged in supporting these organizations in many ways throughout the year by donating “Noisy Offering”, needed items, and learning about each organization. Each month we focus on one of the following service partners:
VEAP is a basic needs and social services organization whose programs promote access to healthy foods, stable housing and transportation.
Oasis for Youth opens doors to housing, employment, education and wellness for youth facing homelessness in the suburbs.
Tapestry is a bilingual (Spanish/English) and multicultural community of faith that serves our neighbors in Richfield and Bloomington .
Every Meal works to combat hunger in our community by providing food for students to take home each weekend of the school year.
10701 Bloomington Ferry Road - Bloomington, MN 55438
Phone: 952-941-1247
© 2020 Community of the Cross Lutheran Church